Contacts Halla Systems Co. Ltd Korea
Halla Systems сo. ltd helps partners of its network to create effective distribution channels, to form optimal supply chains. Most of the transactions that our partners make are based on dropshipping, a popular business model for selling goods. It allows you to increase turnover and regulate complex supply chains, bringing together sellers, suppliers, dealers and retailers. This scheme is simple and transparent. Motto Halla Systems - ‘dropshipping trust network for your items’.
Halla Systems cooperates with major distributors, international retail chains, world-renowned hypermarkets. Our partners work in the markets of agricultural products, construction equipment, agricultural machinery, textiles, electronics and the automotive industry.
In accordance with the contract that Halla Systems Co. concludes with the customer, it searches for partners (suppliers, manufacturers and their dealers), monitors the logistics of the supply of goods, helps to find products at the price of interest.
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The guarantee of a good deal is a serious check of the supplier by ten parameters based on data from more than 200,000 sources. Tracked: availability of certificates, technical documentation, return and exchange policy, terms and conditions of warranty, logistics of delivery. Suppliers selected by Halla Systems undertake to continuously update in the general system information about the balances and availability of goods in stock.
Our specialists constantly monitor sales markets and analyze the popularity of goods on large marketplaces.
The comprehensive promotion of their online stores is popular and in demand among our customers - a service provided by Halla Systems. We conduct marketing research, identify competitors, analyze the properties of goods, study the situation in the selected niche, differentiate commodity positions for the target audience, reduce costs in value chains. To understand what internal and external factors can further influence the relationship between the client and its partners, Halla Systems marketers conduct a SWOT analysis of their enterprises.
For each customer, we develop an individual plan for promoting his business, which includes: advertising on social networks, contextual and media advertising, search engine optimization of the site, the formation of a loyalty program, the connection of CRM systems. The strategy of finding rapidly growing markets and unoccupied niches helps to increase sales of customer goods.

If you have any questions or need further information, please contact us in any way that is convenient for you.
What is dropshipping?Dropshipping is an easy and affordable way to earn money that will suit both beginners and those looking to expand their businesses. Dropshipper does not need a warehouse, he does not need to freeze funds and invest them in goods. His business is to find a customer and transfer the order to the supplier (the manufacturer of the product, his dealers). The supplier is responsible for shipping, logistics, warranties, packaging and returns. The profit of a dropshipper is the margin (difference) between the supplier's price and the price at which the item was purchased in its store. After creating its online store, the seller is engaged in its promotion and advertising of the goods displayed in it.
How does dropshipping differ from a simple partnership with an external supplier?It is very difficult to find an honest and true partner. It is necessary to study the market well in order to make a deal, buy goods, establish sales with profit. Dropshipping differs from the usual partnership and mediation in that the supplier of the goods ships the sold goods directly to the buyer from their warehouse. The online store sells goods, receives money, orders from the supplier, transfers payment to him and sends the exact coordinates for the delivery of products.
Agreement of the PartiesThe legal relationship between the dropshipper and the buyer is formal. An agency order agreement may be concluded between them, according to which the store undertakes to purchase the goods necessary for the client. Partnerships with suppliers, the sale of goods on behalf, can also be formalized by advisory agency contracts. On behalf of the store, you can conclude a purchase agreement or commission with the buyer, while the supplier under the order agreement will deliver the goods, indicating the seller's online store in the sender's details.
Partners in DropshippingDropshippingisalow-riskbusinessmodel. If you are just starting, then this is the perfect way to try your hand, study a new business, test your capabilities. Dropshipping could also be one of the options to scale the business The profit of the dropshipper directly depends on the supplier of the product. If this is also an online store or an ordinary intermediary, then you should not count on big earnings. Such a partnership is needed, rather to expand the range and in order to increase the traffic of the site and attract as large a target audience as possible. It is most profitable to become a partner of large dealers and manufacturers of goods. They offer wholesale prices. Halla Systems will help you to start cooperation, find an inexpensive product, check certificates and product quality. A separate topic for the dropshipper may be working with marketplaces that offer products of different categories from different sellers.
Dropshipping disadvantagesAs in any business, dropshipping has its advantages and disadvantages. The main problem with which the online store may encounter when issuing already paid goods is its absence from the supplier's warehouse. It is difficult to clearly track the remains in someone else's warehouse, the number and correspondence of commodity articles. Especially if the assortment of the online store is constantly increasing, and contracts with new suppliers are constantly concluded. In case of short delivery, lack of goods in the warehouse, delivery of low-quality products, the online dropper store should clarify the situation, coordinate the exchange or return and, if possible, correct the situation and leave the client a good impression of himself. In the event of a long delivery of goods (from a month), there is a risk that the buyer will look for an online store in which he is available. Halla Systems specialists will prepare a marketing plan for your online store, calculate the conversion of the site and help optimize supply chains.
The Benefits of DropshippingDropshipper doesn't need start-up capital. It is easy to enter the business, without the cost of renting a warehouse and office. In order to start a business, it is enough for him to buy a domain and make a simple site. A little later, having studied the market and chosen a niche, you can create either your own online store or take advantage of existing online platforms and opportunities offered by marketplaces. In the future, the business is quite simple to expand, creating new sites and stores. Dropshipper is not afraid: seasonal fluctuations, falling demand, damage to goods, problems with payment delays. In the case of the lack of demand for the goods offered by the dropshipper's business, his loss is only the funds that he invested in the development of the online store, advertising and promotion. Dropshipping is beneficial for both novice entrepreneurs and those who want to expand their business and diversify their business. Halla Systems helps online retailers grow profits and find high margin items.

We will help your business grow, make a profit and build strong, long-term relationships